Cognitive Support
For Cats and Dogs
Cognitive Support


60 Notched Tablets 
1/2 tablet in cats weighing up to 5 kg. 
1 tablet for dogs weighing up to 10 kg. +1 tablet for every additional 10 kg.
It is a comprehensive vitamin and mineral supplement specially formulated to meet the body's needs in older cats and dogs. The balanced formula consisting of essential vitamins and minerals helps prevent problems related to dietary deficiency and provides cognitive support, which is especially important for aging cats and dogs. It also supports the immune system.
  • In diseases related to aging 
  • In the prevention of age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy 
  • Symptoms of myasthenia gravis disease 
  • In chronic itching 
  • Cognitive and functional losses similar to Alzheimer's symptoms 
  • Nervous symptoms of patients with a history of canine distemper 
  • Joint health support 
  • Urinary, Immune, Digestive and Cardiovascular and Nervous system support 
  • Preservation of muscle and body mass 
  • Supporting the development of kittens and dogs 
  İçeriği Content  
3a700 VitE Alpha Tokoferol 1g
e433 Phosohatidylserine %20 Phosohatidylserine %20 19mg
3a831 VitB6 Piridoksin 30 mg
3a3l4 VitB3 Niacin 6mg
3a826 VitB2 Riboflavin 3mg
3a820 VitB1 Tiamin 3mg
  VitBI2 Cyanacabalamin 30 mcg
43.2.8 Glucosamine Sulfate Glucosamine Sulfate 200 mg
2b12175 MSM Matyl Sulfonil Metani 20 mg
9.101 Hydrolysed Collagen Hydrolysed Collagen 100 mg
13.121 Hyaluronic Acid Hyaluronic Acid 10 mg
1.21 Magnesium Magnesium 12 mg
10.4.6 Omega3 0mega3 5mg

Extracts: Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Grape Extract

Content Features

Vitamin E 

- Vitamin E helps prevent cognitive decline with its strong antioxidant effect. 

Phosphatidylserine 20% 

- Neurodegenerative processes are one of the main age-related characteristics of dogs. It has been proven that phosphatidylserine positively affects neurotransmitter release and neurotransmitter receptor. 
-There is evidence that phosphatidylserine is rapidly absorbed, reaches high concentrations in the brain, and is well tolerated. 


Vitamin B6 

- Vitamin B6 positively affects brain development and immune system activities. 


Vitamin B3 

- Vitamin B3 also has a positive effect on brain health. It plays an important role in DNA production and the healthy functioning of the digestive and nervous systems. 
- It is known that niacin deficiency is good for depression and heart health. 


Vitamin B2 

- Vitamin B2, which is involved in the production of energy from foods, is also a necessary vitamin for the regular functioning of the nervous system. 


Vitamin B1 

-Thiamine (Vitamin B1) is necessary for energy production in the brain. Its deficiency causes deterioration in mental functions and severe deficiency causes psychosis. 


Vitamin B12 

- It is known that cognitive decline in older dogs can be reduced with vitamin B12 supplementation. 


Glucosamine Sulfate 

- It has a direct cellular effect in reducing the production of inflammatory cytokines 


Msm (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) 


Hydrolyzed Collagen 

- It is effective on brain structure and cognitive function. 


Hyaluronic Acid 

- Hyaluronic acid produces compatible hydrogels that match the physical properties of brain tissue. It also promotes hNSPC proliferation and differentiation while significantly reducing the cell-mediated degradation seen with fibrin. 



-Magnesium and zinc improve some behavioral disorders in dogs with common behavioral problems. 


Omega 3 

-Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), such as omega-3, are essential for all mammals and are considered advantageous for brain development and function. 
- Omega protects against age-related cognitive impairment. 


Ginkgo Biloba Extract 

- Ginkgo biloba reduces symptoms in patients with normal cognitive or mild cognitive impairment and also reduces behavioral and psychological symptoms. 


Grape Extract