Caldevite Cat
For Cats
Caldevite Cat


90 Tablets 
Up to 5 kg weight | tablet. + 1 tablet for every additional 5 kg.  
Calcium is a mineral that is vital in the formation of bones and teeth. Calcium is required for bone structure, cardiovascular functions, hormone and enzyme metabolism. Vitamin D helps calcium absorption. 
  • Supporting effect on bone and tooth formation 
  • In eliminating calcium deficiency in cardiovascular functions 
  • Repairing vitamin D3 deficiency 
  • Correcting the deficiency in hormone and enzyme metabolism 
  • Elimination of vitamin C deficiency 
  • Elimination of Vitamin D and Calcium deficiency in pregnant and lactating animals 
  • Prevention of Rickets in young animals 
  Content Content  
3a300 VitC Ascorbic Acid 3 mg
11.3.1 Dicalcium Phosphate Dicalcium Phosphate 100 mg
11.2.8 Magnesium Hydroxide Magnesium Hydroxide 35 mg
3b605 Zinc Zinc 4 mg
3a671 VitD3 Cholecalciferol 15 mg

Content Features

Vitamin C 

-Ascorbic acid is the main component in the proliferation and differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. It stimulates and modulates the proliferation of various mesenchyme-derived cell types, including osteoblasts, adipocytes, chondrocytes, and odontoblasts. 


Di Calcium Phosphate 

-Calcium is an element that performs numerous biological functions in the body. One of its most important functions is skeletal mineralization. Calcium is the main component of bone, more than 99% of which is found in the form of calcium-phosphate complexes. It provides the strength and structure of the skeleton, making the bone a metabolic reservoir to maintain the intracellular and extracellular calcium pool. 
-The remaining 1% of calcium is found in blood, extracellular fluids, muscles and other tissues. Here, it is responsible for muscle contraction, vascular contraction, vasodilation, nerve impulse transmission and intracellular communication. 
-Calcium intake affects bone mass by increasing calcium retention in the skeleton during bone growth, playing an important role in preventing bone loss and osteoporotic fractures in later life. Therefore, ensuring adequate calcium intake for our pets throughout life is a necessary supplement for bone health, preventing osteoporosis and related fractures. 


Magnesium Hydroxide 

- Magnesium hydroxide ensures bone development by stimulating osteoblast activity. 
- Magnesium regulates active calcium transport and is also known to prevent bone fractures and increase bone density. 



- RANKL (NF-κB ligand receptor activator), RANK (RANKL receptor) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) control osteoclast differentiation. The effect of zinc on bone turnover occurs through the regulation of the RANKL/RANK/OPG pathway in bone tissue. Any imbalance between the RANKL/RANK/OPG components can lead to excessive bone resorption. Zinc is known to have protective properties against bone loss by regulating the RANKL/RANK/OPG pathway. 


Vitamin D3 

- 1,25 (OH) 2D, the biologically active form of vitamin D, performs most of its functions through the vitamin D receptor (VDR). One of these important functions is to regulate calcium and bone homeostasis. It also has the capacity to regulate various cellular responses of the immune and cardiovascular systems, as well as to regulate the differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis of keratinocytes. 
-Vitamin D provides extra beneficial effects to calcium supplements in slowing down bone loss, and this combined use prevents osteoporosis.