Stop Stool Eating
For Dogs
Stop Stool Eating


100 Tablets 
1 tablet up to 10 kg weight. *1 tablet for every additional 10 kg. 
It is specially formulated to prevent dogs from eating their own feces (caprophagia) by making the feces tasteless.
  • In eliminating vitamin B deficiency 
  • Increasing the bioavailability effect in the intestine 
  • Caprophage in inhibiting behavior 
  Content Content  
3a820 VitB1 Thiamin 0,5 mg
3a826 VitB2 Riboflavin 0,4 mg
3aB83l VitB6 Pridoksin 0,5 mg

Extracts: Red Pepper Extract, Garlic Extract 

Content Features

Vitamin B1 

- Vitamin B1 (thiamine) helps the body convert carbohydrates into energy. It has a significant effect on the functioning of the heart, nerves and muscles. 


Vitamin B2 

- Vitamin B2 has an important role in the healthy functioning of many functions of the body. It also supports the use of oxygen in tissues such as skin, feathers and nails. 


Vitamin B6 

-Protects the health of the brain and nervous system. 


Red Pepper Extract 

-It has anti-bacterial properties, helps relieve joint pain and various joint disorders, regulates the digestive system, and also positively affects cardiovascular health. 


Garlic Extract 

-It functions as an immune modifier that maintains the homeostasis of immune functions.