Blood Support
For Cats and Dogs
Blood Support


50 ml Dropper Bottle 
0.5 ml (half scoop) up to 5 kg weight. + 0.5 ml for every additional 5 kg. 
Regenerative and non-regenerative anemia etc. of cats and dogs. It is a complementary feed containing high levels of iron, vitamin B2 and organic spirulina, which supports the treatment of blood diseases and the protection of red blood cell health. 
  • Supportive in regenerative – non-regenerative anemias 
  • Supportive in cases of blood parasites 
  • Antiviral supportive effect 
  • Complementary in essential minerals and vitamins 
  • Antioxidant 
  • Effect on vitamin B12 deficiency 
  • Effective against free radicals 
  • Supportive in icterus diseases 
  • Regulatory effect on blood pressure 
  Content Content  
11.3.1  Di Calcium Phosphate Dicalcium Phospate  1.3 g 
  Phosphorus Phosphorus 1 g
E332  Potassium Citrate Potassium Citrate  3.49
11.5.1  Chloride Chloride 1.25 g
11.3.8  Magnesium Oxide Magnesium Oxide  35 mg 
3a671 VitD3  Cholecalciferol  1000 iu 
3a3l4 VitB3  Niacin 100 mg 
3c306 Methionine Methionine 300 mg 
11.2.11  Ferroz Glukonat Ferroz Glukonat  42 mg 
3a700 VitE  Alpha Tocopherol  500 ju 
3a820 VitB1 Tiamin 250 iu
3a826 VitB2  Riboflavin 12 mg 
3a841 VitB5   Pantothenic Acid  5 mg 
3a631 Vit B6  Pridoksin 5 mg 
3b401 Copper Copper 0.5 mg 
3a316 Folic Acid  Folic Acid  750 mg
3b502 Manganese Manganese 150 mg 
3b603 Zinc Zinc 6.8 mg
  Vit B12 Cyanocobalamin 30 mcg 

Extracts: Garlic Extract

Content Features

Di calcium phosphate 

-Calcium has a function in blood clotting. 



- The body needs phosphorus for many functions such as building strong bones and teeth, repairing tissues and cells, producing energy, regulating muscle and nerve function, and filtering waste in the kidneys. 


potassium citrate 

- is the third most abundant mineral in the body and is essential for the functioning of many organs, including the heart, kidneys, brain and muscle tissues. 
-Potassium is an essential mineral for heart health and plays a central role in regulating your heartbeat to keep your heart working efficiently. 
-Regular use of potassium citrate has a preventive role in kidney stone formation. Potassium citrate works as a urine alkalizer, preventing kidney stones from forming. 



-Chlorine in the body is an electrolyte that plays an important role in the good functioning of metabolism. The kidneys control the level of chloride in the blood. For this reason, problems with the chloride level in the blood are usually related to the kidneys. Chlorine helps balance acid and base in the body. 



- It is one of the body's electrolytes; Its main function is to convert food into energy. Creates DNA and RNA; regulates neurotransmitters in the brain. 
- It enables the transport of calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes, thus taking part in nerve impulse transmission, normal heart rhythm and muscle contraction processes. 


Vitamin D3 

-It is necessary to ensure regular functioning of metabolism and immune system. It reduces the risk of heart disease and protects skin health. 


Vitamin B3 

-Vitamin B3, also called niacin, helps improve blood flow, reduce inflammation and lower bad cholesterol. 



- Methionine is an amino acid that produces several important molecules in your body. These molecules are necessary for your cells to function properly. 
- Methionine plays an important role in the production of new blood vessels. 


Ferrous gluconate 

- Among the functions of iron mineral, the most important one is to ensure oxygen transfer of the body. Iron deficiency causes disorders such as slowing down of brain functions and weakening of the immune system. Apart from this, the most important disease caused by iron deficiency is anemia. 
-Iron makes blood. It also has other minor functions; it participates in the structure of the hemoglobin compound in blood cells. 


Vitamin E 

-Vitamin E is one of the essential vitamins with antioxidant properties that protect cardiovascular health and prevent cancer. 
-It protects against cardiovascular diseases and prevents arteriosclerosis and occlusion. 


Vitamin B1 

-Thiamine increases the pumping power of the heart and reduces edema. 


Vitamin B2 

-Vitamin B2 supplement should also be given for antibody and red blood cell production. 
- Vitamin B2, which is involved in the production of energy from foods, is also a necessary vitamin for the regular functioning of the nervous system. 


Vitamin B5 

-Pantothenic acid is necessary to metabolize carbohydrates, proteins, fats and to produce red blood cells and steroid hormones. 


Vitamin B6 

-Pyridoxine is necessary for protein and carbohydrate metabolism, the formation of red blood cells and some brain chemicals. It affects brain processes and development, immune function, steroid hormone activity. 



-Copper mineral is needed for enzymes that work to regenerate body tissue and maintain a strong bone structure. Copper mineral, which enables protein synthesis and energy production, helps the formation of red blood cells. If there is not enough copper mineral in the body, anemia occurs. 


Folic acid 

-Folic acid is necessary to form red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. 



- In the body; It is also found in the kidneys, pancreas, liver and bones. 
- It plays a role in many processes in the body such as bone formation, hormone functions, blood sugar regulation, and immune system functions. It helps wound healing, bone formation, and nutrient absorption. 



- The healthy functioning of many hormones in the body depends on the presence of sufficient levels of zinc. 
- It has effects on increasing energy level and balancing body fat-muscle ratio. 


Vitamin B12 

-Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) helps produce and maintain myelin surrounding nerve cells, red blood cell formation, and the breakdown of some fatty acids and amino acids to produce energy. 

Spirulina Extract 

-It contains many vitamins and minerals, including high protein, iron, vitamin B, and beta carotene, and is a strong source of antioxidants against oxidative damage. 
-It shows that it is protective against infections caused by viral diseases. 
-A high dose of spirulina can lower high blood pressure, which is the main risk factor for many diseases such as heart attack, stroke, and chronic kidney disease. 

Garlic Extract